“Dan Harary’s book ‘After They Came’ is an entertaining and upbeat work of sci-fi that cleverly incorporates key parts of the UFO phenomenon's lore and backstory - a delightful tale of wonder and hope.”
Nick Pope, UFO Expert, Contributor to “Ancient Aliens” TV series; UK Ministry of Defence, Ret.
“Dan Harary’s sci-fi novel is an imaginative futuristic vision of myriad themes currently put forth by those active in the areas of UFOs and alien visitation, not all of which are compatible with my own experience and understanding of this important topic, but as written would also be best understood by those familiar with the lore of the genre. The style of the images in AFTER THEY CAME are presented in such a graphic visual style that, with the inclusion of more of the background and historical sources needed by the uninitiated, it could serve as the basis of an entertaining film adaptation.”
Travis Walton, Alien Abductee, Inspiration for the 1993 Film “Fire in the Sky”
“As the discussion about ‘UFO Disclosure’ continues, Dan Harary, in the meantime, has written a unique and new concept of how mankind may finally learn that we are not alone. ‘After They Came’ tells a gripping story with suspense and empathy that is obviously well-researched. According to Harary’s story, we may now have another scenario of what is possible ‘After They Come!’”
Chase Kloetzke, UFO investigator, Author and Radio Talk Show Host for Fate Magazine
"'After They Came' is a captivating novel of benevolent alien contact, incorporating author Dan Harary's vision of how to solve humanity’s most intractable problems in order to create a world of abundance and peace. While exploring the impact of alien contact on the people of Earth, Harary, a skilled writer, offers-up a thought-provoking example of identifying just what, in his judgment, really needs fixing."
Richard Dolan, Author of A.D., After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about UFOs
“As a key witness myself to the awe-inspiring and non-threatening ‘Phoenix Lights’ mass UFO events in 1997, I feel that author Dan Harary's ‘After They Came’ offers a welcomed and novel approach to an often much maligned topic. His book presents a fictional odyssey of one man's intimate connection to benevolent beings who gift him and humanity with a stellar ‘Wish List’ by which to help save our world in crisis. Along the way, Harary concurrently gifts the reader with information about ancient artifacts located around the globe, long-held lore about the alien/UFO phenomenon, and even historical UFO data.”
Lynne D. Kitei, M.D./Author/Award-Winning Filmmaker, Phoenix Lights Network
“Dan Harary’s brilliant work of fiction in After They Came transports readers on a fascinating journey into the not-so-distant future, through the eyes of Jon Tuckerman, a man who is rescued from his fast track to self-annihilation. Thanks to a giant airship carrying highly advanced extraterrestrials, Jon’s misadventure propels him and humanity to previously unimaginable heights and presents new, inconceivable challenges. If you are looking for an uplifting page turner, go no further.”
Kathleen Marden, Bestselling Author of Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience
“Dan Harary’s After They Came is a beautiful contrast to the Nope!s of the world. It’s a Utopian novel, but beware: There are snakes in the garden! I’m going to join in the chorus of others who have exclaimed that this should be a movie. Let’s hope! Dan can feel mighty proud of After They Came. He presents us with a future I’d want to live in. This book is a wonderful read. I kept wanting to go back to the universe depicted in Dan’s world, once I finished reading ATC – I think a sequel is in order here! It’s a beautifully written novel, cinematic in its flow and lucidity and it couldn’t be more timely, what with the recent congressional UAP hearings and heightened public interest in ‘The Phenomenon.’ It’s a Utopian novel in a way, yet there’s the conflict you’d expect to see if a true, unequivocal contact event were to happen tomorrow. Dan’s novel asks us some very important questions and answers them as well. I truly loved this book. I couldn’t recommend it more highly.”
Earl Grey Anderson, MUFON: State Director Of Southern California/Experiencer Resource Team (exec. member)/STAR Team
“After They Came is a thoroughly engaging fictional tale of a man who thought he was at the end of his life but in a flash (literally) discovered it had only just begun. The author’s knowledge of actual UFO/alien encounter reports, masterfully woven into the threads of the story, makes the book even more captivating - especially for anyone with any knowledge of the phenomenon. But the major difference here between the current mainstream narrative regarding aliens/UFOS/UAPS - one of mistrust and fear - is that Dan Harary’s story is one of benevolence, of hope and healing. After They Came portrays the alien visitors as kind and compassionate - beings who care about the inhabitants of this planet and the Earth itself, and only want to protect us and help us create a better future. They are beings who followed through on commitments made long ago to the central figure in this story AND to his world. I hope that one day, when humanity finally learns, unequivocally, that we are not alone, and perhaps never have been, we will respond the same way. The story was great. This will make a great movie!”
Debra Jordan-Kauble, Central figure in Budd Hopkins’ NYT bestseller Intruders, The Incredible Visitation at Copely Woods. Kauble is also the Author of Abducted: The Story of Intruders Continues and Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders
“The back of Dan’s book After They Came includes great review quotes from a literal ‘who’s who’ of global UFO researchers and UFOlogists. Danny, I see a movie here!”
George Noory, Host, Coast to Coast AM Radio Show
“It’s a great book!”
Jimmy Church, Host of Nationally Syndicated “Fade To Black” Podcast
“Dan Harary’s book After They Came is a ‘What-If’ fable for our time. A completely original story featuring unrelentingly positive alien characters; essentially the opposite of Independence Day. Masterful and brilliant.”
Peter Robbins, Investigative Writer, Author, and Host of the Weekly Radio Program, “Meanwhile, Here on Earth”
“After They Came is a lot of fun! The initial scenario really grabbed me. Dan blends into his storyline a bit of the fascinating Ancient Aliens theory which really jumps right out at the reader. His story is riveting and indeed movie worthy. I’m sure people who read After They Came will really enjoy it!”
Paul Eno, Host, “Behind the Paranormal” Podcast
“After five pages in, I said to myself Dan Harary’s book After They Came should become a movie. Dan’s writing style reminds me a lot of John Grisham. Just when you think you know where the story is going, there’s another twist and another turn. It is definitely a page turner. I’ve done a decent amount of reading in my life, and After They Came is in my all-time top 10 favorite books. After They Came could be – and should be – the sequel to Close Encounters of the Third Kind!”
Mark Glen Moore, Host, Starseed Podcast
“The unique story behind After They Came presents a hopeful, wide-ranging exploration of loss, love, and salvation.”
Kirkus Reviews
“After They Came is brilliant - very, very fascinating. It’s an amazing book that everyone who loves good sci-fi should read.”
Subculture Entertainment Radio/Sydney, Australia
“I read Dan Harary’s book After They Came because I am very interested in topics that deal with frontier areas of science. I've been dealing with the topic of aliens and UFOS as a hobby for a very long time now, and I'm always happy when I come across interesting new literature on the subject. The wholly unique premise and content within After They Came kept me engaged long after I finished reading it!”
Sebastian Klein, Scientist, Berlin, Germany